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Cristian Zaghini’s Sheet Pan Pizza: Taste and Innovation in the Pizza World

20 April 2024

A Day of Training and Sharing

In recent days, we had the pleasure of hosting a pizza flour demo with Cristian Zaghini, technician and trainer at Molino Grassi.

The Molino Grassi expert illustrated the fundamental role of flour in making a quality pizza. He also explained the differences between the various types of dough, explaining how the choice of flour influences the final result. Cristian revealed the secrets of dough making techniques, leavening and cooking times for making perfect products.

The sheet pan pizza and the Roman pala were the stars of the show. Both made with Romana flour, available in Molino Grassi’s Pizza Line. This flour is designed for high hydration and offers the possibility of pre-cooking for a fragrant, light and excellent tasting result.

The demo ended with a tasting: a convivial moment to appreciate the taste and quality of the pizzas made with Molino Grassi flours.

Throughout the demo, participants had the opportunity to ask questions, creating a constructive atmosphere of discussion, thanks to the comprehensive and in-depth answers.

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