Miracolo Ancient grains

In 2010 our mutual desire to safeguard our food and local culture saw us strike up a partnership with Parma-based farmer Claudio Grossi, who has spent years working to bring ancient local varieties of grain back to the fields. Driven by this shared goal, Molino Grassi and Claudio Grossi brought the long-forgotten “Miracolo” grain back to life.

Following this first step, together with the company team of agronomists other typical but long since forgotten early 20th century varieties of grain were reassessed and cultivated. The selection of these ancient varieties led to the creation of “Miracolo®” flour (exclusive trademark) and the rediscovery of traditional bread-making methods with their unique flavours and fragrances.

A return to the past that looks to the future, supporting the biodiversity and rural economy of marginal territories.

miracolo Grani Antichi

We believe in the flavours of yesterday and in safeguarding ancient grains, in the possibility of tasting things that seemed lost forever and in the work of those who make this possible. For this reason we have created Miracolo®: ancient grain flours that revive the flavours of yesteryear in your products. Truly exceptional.


Ancient grains are different varieties of modern cereals that give bread-based products elevated sensory characteristics in terms of flavour, fragrance and properties. The ancient grain supply chain begins with carefully selected seeds, which keep the varietal identity alive, and involves numerous farmers that are supported by expert agronomists in low environmental impact agronomic practices.
 Immediately after harvest, the grain is transferred to the mill to guarantee its complete traceability and optimal storage.